Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Well, it's been the worst day yet, and it looks set to get worse before it gets better.
I am tired and confused, so I'll try to be brief. Mum had a little breakfast - once I left the table, as she wouldn't eat with me. She refused to take her medication, and her psychotic state only got worse as the day wore on. I tried to talk her into taking that little pill but I got nowhere. In hindsight I wonder: have I made things worse? Her ranting alarmed staff in the house, and they want her hospitalised. She would not go back to the flat, use any door she feels can be locked behind her, she is delusional, and has refused food all day. It is now 11:00 pm in Israel, and she is down in the support clinic, last seen in my dad's room. He told me to let her be, but I am concerned. I am up in the flat, and it looks like she is not coming up. There is nothing I or anybody else can do, and she will probably be taken to hospital in the morning, forcibly if necessary. We have been told there is nothing else for it - she must be "chemically" stabilised. We as family are unable to judge the situation objectively, and lastly, we should seek psychological councelling ourselves.

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