Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lea driving us to the restaurant

Self in car

Azrieli Centre, Tel Aviv

Zepra restaurant

Nir and Adi on the Gold Wing

Saturday visit to Shalvata, the psychiatric facility where mum is staying wasn't a joyous one, but at least I got to see the place for myself and it was pleasant enough, though clearly under-funded. Still, very green and pleasant, Saturday staff seemed nice and empathetic, I felt reassured mum was in the best place to help her.
Mum was lying on her side in bed, still in all her gaudy jewellery but in hospital pajamas. She was not pleased to see me. She seemed to be in the very same mood as the previous morning. She wouldn't communicate other than to express disdain. "Have you eaten anything mum?" "What difference does it make to you? You've eaten and nothing else matters", and "You've got what you wanted all along. I will never come out of here. You will have me finished here". There was another woman in the room with mum. She got out of her bed from time to time, walked about, poured herself water, asked us if we were siblings, mum said she was probably planted there to spy on her. Lea sat there stifling her tears. She visited again in the evening. I didn't join her this time.

For lunch Lea's family and I went to a restaurant part owned by Nir's sister, a smart "Asiatic" place, very trendy, and highly regarded. That was a nice perk.

Now it's Sunday, Lea spoke to the staff in Shalvata. They told her mum became hostile this morning, aggressive even, but I don't know quite what it means.

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