Friday, September 04, 2009

Night Watch

00:45, dad asks for a drink. I get him some water, and present the straw to his lips. Ahh! Isn't it nice?
01:25. Here we go. Dad's wide awake and looking for attention. I am firm with him. He can have the drink he asked for, but when he tries to strike a conversation I put my foot down. No talking in the middle of the night. It disturbs others. Close your eyes and go to sleep. He doesn't like that one bit.
01:40. OMG Just spotted Head Nurse La Crawford, in the very same beehive blond thing towering over her head, same figure-hugging white dress, and those eyebrows: are they tattooed on? I do believe they are.
02:15. Night sanitary nurses doing their rounds. They ask whether they can wake dad. What for? Well, he might need his nappy changed. I ask to leave it till morning. Don't want to disrupt this sleep workshop. It's a limited success so far, and for the first time in years without the dubious aid of a sleeping pill.
02:35. Spoke too soon. Dad wants a drink. The water I offer him is "tasteless". He wants cola. I give him some Coke. He desperately needs fluids so drink is one request I don't turn down. He mistakes it for a social gesture and tries for some chit-chat. Not on my watch buddy boy. Sleep. Could it be that he takes full advantage of the hitherto hired night help? They all reported he hardly sleeps, keeps asking for things, and I have seen how sleepy he has been during the day, often right till early evening. I'm beginning to wonder whether it's that vital that he has someone with him at night, or does it have a negative effect on his well-being. Virtually nobody else has this round-the-clock attendants. The next two nights are already covered by Anthony and I can't just dismiss him. He had to give up day work for this. But from Sunday I feel the night watch should be cancelled altogether. I shall put it to Lea.
03:10. Spoke to Lea just as they were about to have dinner in a seafood restaurant in Times Square. I suggested the night watch is something we're doing for our sake not for dad's. She'll mull it over.
05:40. Been pacing the ward, even nodded off in the dining room. I watch dad every few minutes from some distance as he is a light sleeper and I only need be near him and he starts stirring.
07:30. Kavidha arrives to take over. I'm off home.


Shiny Demon said...

Fuck me, you run the hospital like a Friday late shift at The Square!

Lederon said...

You're not wrong there. At some point I thought I'd "log" everything just like at ESq, then look at it and maybe get a better aspect on the whole thing. Plus it helped to pass the time.