Thursday, September 03, 2009

Harel & Roey's Wacky Show

Roey, my brother Benny's youngest, and his friend Harel have devised a comedy show and found a prestigious Tel Aviv club who would give them a break. The first few shows are on probational basis. If audience response and ticket sales (at 50 nis or £8.50/$12) are brisk they can secure a residency. I'm afraid I was so tired I kept falling asleep and had to be elbowed a lot by Dor (Lea's youngest) but I can unbiasedly attest that the audience seems to have laughed a lot (which was rather rude as it woke me up several times). What with Madonna doing her final Sticky and Sweet Tour show at one venue and Faith No More doing a gig at another it's a wonder Harel & Roey managed to pack'em in, albeit at a small venue. Well done boys.

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