Sunday, August 31, 2008

Got Away!

Through the day I've been in contact with Racheli, a school pal, with whom I studied some of the elementary, and a couple of the intermediary (high) school years. We remained close friends over the years, with various degrees of actually keeping in touch, but in recent years we really got closer. Well, I am now at her charming, and chaotic house in Zikhron Yaakov, on the hills overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, just south of Haifa. We just had a light supper on the porch, by the garden, lush with herb plants, some citrus fruit trees, peaceful, quiet part of the world. Magic. We reminisce about Zehava Germann, our old headmistress, now at the support clinic where my dad is staying, we talk about what ails us, our parents (always), and our plan for tomorrow. We are going to the beach, to introduce me to kayak rowing. Racheli has recently taken it up following a painful foot surgery as this was just about the only type of exercise she could take that doesn't impact her sore foot. I got here by leaving dad's car at Hertzeliya Station, then took a train going north to Binyamina. Racheli picked me up from the station, and we took a scenic route over some dirt roads through vineyards and orchards - too bad it was totally dark so we couldn't see much, but I'm sure it's all beautiful. Till tomorrow then!

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