Sunday, August 30, 2009

Post Biopsy

This morning dad had a biopsy taken from the lymphatic glands. Is already clear there is a tumor there, probably cancerous, probably malignent. It will be some time before we know what's the best treatment is. As for being discharged from hospital "not for the time being". I arrived here at midday, to find dad back in his bed, high as a kite (whatever they gave him, can I have some too?). In fact by 4 pm he is still not quite himself. Lea (who's been here since 7:30) and I care for him, fed him when he was finally allowed to eat, and a young doctor administered a new drip, on the base of his left palm, having failed to find a vein in the more conventional locations. The palm area is more painful and uncomfortable. Not a great day so far.

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