Monday, December 12, 2005

Gran Canaria December 2005

Been to the island a few times, this time managed to coordinate a short stay with Jean-François and Jan. Here are just a few of the (very few) pictures I took there. Jan took some pictures too, and I will post those when I get them. Make do with the ones I took on my antique Olympus C-360Z.

At the Cafe Vien. We are definitely fans of the place. Jan has been to the counter to order a piece of cake from the stunning selection they have there. You have to be quick with those creations - when they're gone, they're gone!

I may not look very pleased, but believe me, I am!

I took this one on my Nokia 6230, so no great shakes, but I am rather pleased with the result all the same! This is Jan, looking pensive on the balcony of our hotel.

Jan on the beach. If you are the person at the left bottom corner of this picture you have my apology if I invaded your privacy...

Jean-François, taken on my phone camera. JFL joined us one day late - having missed the only ferry from Fuerteventura. On our last night on the island we celebrated his birthday in style - paella (home-made of course!), Cava galore, then a birthday drink at the Bear Cave (Bärenhöhle) at the Yumbo Centre... Bliss!

Jan, on the beach, showing off the latest in beachwear fashion. When you've got it, flaunt it baby!

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