Friday, September 01, 2006

Thursday, or Good Night Vienna

I realise that I am too tired to enjoy well, anything, until I got some proper rest. I go to the Sued station to collect my suitcase from the locker, and get my ticket to Munich for Saturday morning. Back at the apartment I take a shower and a siesta. In the evening I go out almost reluctantly: the weather is shit, and I don't really fancy the idea of cruising the streets soaked with rain. However, I would never forgive myself had I squandered an entire evening in Vienna just sitting in my room. I drag myself out, and go to the Vienna Eagle. The bar is very quiet, I chat a little with the barman, a big bear of a man, kind and friendly, and he introduces me in turn to a young man who joined us at the bar, a local or at least regular as he seems to know the barman well. Michael and I engage in a conversation, and we become best of friends. He even gives me his phone number as I am about to leave. As the bar (a major port of call on the leather scene in Vienna, I am told) doesn't seem to be waking up I decide to do the sensible thing and go home while the U- Bahn is still running. I catch one of the last trains and give myself the first good night's sleep since I've had since Tuesday. Bliss.

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