Friday, September 12, 2008

We are delusional too. Last night's performance, was just that. By 11:00am she still wouldn't come out of her room, the suspicions and distrust are back, and only when her friend called (from dad's room, she went there first hoping mum would be keeping him company) she agreed to go with her to a hair appointment, as arranged last night. She wouldn't touch any food before going out, and I didn't ask her again to eat. The hairdresser works from home, locally but far enough to go by car. The phone call came not half an hour later: Haya couldn't park her car in front of the hairdresser's house. She let mum off and told her to wait there for a moment till she's parked the car and returned. Mum (who apparently said on the way that she wanted to throw herself out of the car) wasn't there when Haya came back from the car. Looking for her in the building she discovered that mum rang the wrong door, some elderly people opened, she wondered in, and before they could clear up the misunderstanding mum sat down and wouldn't budge.

13:30 update:

Lea rushed to the scene, then summoned Nir who came with Adi. Correct at this time Lea remained in Ramat Hasharon (at Nir's parents place), Nir and Adi talked mum into going by car with them to Shalvata (the psychiatric clinic from yesterday). This time, with the trauma of the very thought of having your loved one committed, even if for the briefest of stays, not as intense as it was yesterday, I feel she should be admitted and remain there for a few days, under controlled conditions, where personal emotions can't be manipulated (and thereby compromise treatment, e.g. when giving up on getting the patient to take their medication when they continuously refuse to).
Benny came by, we talked, and I save him lunch (I hadn't eaten a thing today either). Life's always a little bit better on a full stomach! We went down to see dad, I talked him into lying down for a rest. I will now shower and wait for news.


Nir called. They had to wait at Shalvata for an addmittance order till now. Mum had to be forcibly taken from the car into the clinic to be seen by a doctor. The process has commenced, and there's no fooling them today. It looks unlikely she will be released until fully stabilised.
Dad called from downstairs - I gave him the update, sold him I would just shave and come down, we'll go out of the room, have some tea perhaps, or take a walk. I am as confused today as I have ever been (have I said it before?).


So that's it. My poor mum, admitted for one week. Still uncommunicative, clutching her big black purse to her bosom, unwilling to let them put a hospital wrist strap on her. Nir and Adi left. Lea will come over later and will prepare a bag, again, for mum, and we will go there together. I understand we won't be able to see her to begin with, but tomorrow, Saturday we can visit at virtually any time.
I walked about with dad, venturing out of the compound of the house, and although slow and not completely confident, his gait is getting better all the time. If only he could be happy too.


I had gone back up, then down again, walked about with dad, then sat out in the garden, talking about this and that. I enjoy chatting with him so much. Plus it distracts from the real issue at hand. Still waiting to hear from Lea. I shouldn't wonder she'd had enough anguish for one day. But we will have to get some essentials over to mum - she doesn't even have a toothbrush there, let alone her medication, for all the good it'll do.
I may update this post later tonight. Have a look tomorrow.

Lea and Nir came by and collected a holdall I prepared for mum in the flat then took down to dad's room. It was filled with items Lea meticulously listed to me over the phone right down to her favourite scented soap. Dad wanted to go over too but we took it upon ourselves to refuse him. I stayed behind too. Still unable to bring myself to go, and not sure what state she might be in - what if my presence upsets her?

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